Organizing the Texture by Approach of Preserving the Historical Identity of the City, Case Study: The Historical City, Region of Isfahan Province, Iran

Author Details

Elham Zadbagher-Seighalani, Saeid Yaghoubzadeh , Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari, Saeid Eslamian, Vijay P. Singh, Nicolas R. Dalezios , Mohsen Ghane

Journal Details


Published: 18 June 2018 | Article Type :


The historical and old texture of the cities of our country, which often makes the main and primary core of these cities, in one side, is the part of the cultural and historical heritage of those cities, which preserving, improving and also functional empowering of them are inevitable. And on the other side, most of these tissues after the time, due to no enough attention and also inadequate keeping, affected by exhaustion and physical and functional fractures.

In this research, after identifying the potential and identity factors of the historical texture of Gaz city which because of lack of attention and inappropriate maintenance, suffered by physical and functional burnout, so in this research it has suggested some solution to restore and organize this texture. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method, this study at first, in the context of library studies, collected some information sources and texts and then analyzed the results. The results of this research show that the frazzle texture of Gaz city, which contains the main historical identity part of the city, requires more attention and consideration for solving these problems. So presented some ways for improving of environmental qualities, promoting of spatial and physical attractiveness, preservation and revival of identity the historical identity of the city and finally presenting better service to the residents of the place.

Keywords: Organizing, Worn Texture, Urban Identity, Gaz-Borkhar.

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Elham Zadbagher-Seighalani, Saeid Yaghoubzadeh , Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari, Saeid Eslamian, Vijay P. Singh, Nicolas R. Dalezios , Mohsen Ghane. (2018-06-18). "Organizing the Texture by Approach of Preserving the Historical Identity of the City, Case Study: The Historical City, Region of Isfahan Province, Iran." *Volume 2*, 2, 68-75